I feel sorry for the Mall Easter Bunnies this year. They rarely get the respect a Mall Santa gets. And just when people began thinking about the holiday, all the malls were closed. Perhaps that’s why this cartoon rang true for me this year. Mr. Easter Bunny, don’t count all your eggs before they hatch!
It’s safe to say nearly all of us have had to change our plans this year.
- Retail sales have had to pivot to online sales
- Businesses have had to figure out if they were essential or not
- Parents have been forced to realize how challenging homeschooling can be
- Pets have had to deal with having no “me time”
- Churches that weren’t streaming services online had to learn fast
My wife and I will be attending an online Easter service. For a couple that has served and worked at churches nearly every Sunday for over thirty years, this has been an adjustment. The method has changed, but the message has not.
- It is a message of hope
- It is a message of glorious light after a pitch-black midnight
- It is message that resurrects the dead
- It is a message that trumps Mall Bunnies and Santas
They said unto them, “Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen.”
Luke 24: 5-6 (KJV)
Have a blessed Resurrection Sunday, everyone!