Leadership motivation Sketch notes

How to Lead When You’re Not in Charge by Clay Scroggins | Sketch Notes

Page 1 of sketch notes on "How to Lead When You're Not in Charge," by Clay Scroggins
Page 2 of sketch notes on "How to Lead When You're Not in Charge," by Clay Scroggins

At yesterday’s Orange Conference, I heard Clay Scroggins give a great talk on leading yourself. The big takeaway I got from this talk is the importance of balancing positivity with a critical thinking. It is important to think critically in order to make things better while keeping a positive spirit. it is a balance, much like balancing between an aggressive and passive approach in leadership. Neither extreme is helpful.

motivation sketch journal

Sketch: Taking the Bad Days with the Good

Sketch of a windy, cold day on April 6, 2017
Copyright 2017 Kevin Spear

Today was a day filled with blustery wind, ominous clouds, and spitting rain. Really! The rain felt like the world was spitting on me. I know a little about that. I went to middle school after all!

There are days that just seem they weren’t made for anyone. Then there are days that feel they were custom made for just me. We can persevere when we remember both kinds of days are coming. 

On this cold, windy day, I discovered how nice it was to sketch in the iPad Moleskine app. A miserable weather day became a nice discovery day. Now that’s a way to turn lemons into lemonade!

holiday motivation

Happy New Year, 2017!

Happy 2017! We do not know what the next year will bring. But we do know every era had its challenges as well as opportunities. Many are both. For every challenge brings opportunity.

This year, I resolve to find each opportunity, to continue to learn, innovate and communicate. In short, I will continue to improve. May your new year be your best yet!

morning people motivation

Keep getting back up

If there is one thing I’ve learned from searching for work in Arizona, and now Ohio, it’s this: Get up every day.

That may sound too simple, but I’ve seen so many people trip over this truth. When you don’t have a job to go to, and you aren’t freelancing, it can be tempting to sleep in or decide it’s too much work to leave the house. Push back on that temptation! Get up early and get out the door!

I am thankful I’ve had the chance to ride with my wife each morning. It has been so important for me to keep the morning ritual going. I get so much done when I start the day the same time each day.

This has allowed me to get some writing done, search for the next great opportunity and set up networking appointments. It has also allowed me to do volunteer work for the church she serves. So if you are in a transition, don’t let bad habits. Get up early, rise consistently, and let’s get some work done!



No Disturbing the Rocks

Sign says Notice: Do not disturb rocksThis sign amused me when I first saw it, then it got me thinking. I never thought rocks needed protection. Yet some do, don’t they?

The rocks surrounding this sign were large and looked too heavy for anyone to move. It looked like a solid foundation to me. Yet someone must have moved a few of them before if this sign was deemed necessary.