motivation Proverbs

Get All the Advice and Instruction You Can

Get all the advice and instruction you can, so you will be wise the rest of your life.

Proverbs 19:20 NLT

We live in an age where we have access to instant information. If we have a question, we can always Google it on our phones. Libraries have buildings and online version. We have access to online universities, podcasts, and audiobooks. We can communicate with experts on the other side of the world. The opportunities to learn are endless.

At the same time, technology had made knowledge advance at lightning speed. Are you still relying on what you learned in school? That knowledge was probably obsolete by the time you graduated. Even if you are an expert in a field, choosing not to learn more can make you a dinosaur within a few years.

Whether you are just starting in your career, or have been working for decades, there is always something to learn. The old can learn from the young as well as the young from the old.

It is a great time to be a learner. Choose to learn something new every day!

church cartoons motivation

Church at a Premium 4146.jpg

My grandfather was a minister. My dad made his career in insurance. You can imagine the discussions they would have about faith, the church and liability!

I’ve been at both the child side and the counselor side of church camps. I’ve seen boys perform feats of skill that defy gravity and all logic. It is a wonder the ambulance wasn’t on twenty-four standby at the camp!

So now that summer is waning, let us rejoice that the kids are back in school and insurance adjusters for churches and church camps can breathe a sigh of relief.

I drew this cartoon for the August, 2019 CHOGnews Newsletter.

motivation productivity

Working Hard or Hardly Working

I used to believe that hard work was the only thing that makes a person or business prosper. While I believe it is still key, I have observed that hard work is only part of the formula.

Hard work can only get a person so far if they are not kind and empathetic towards coworkers and clients. A person can do superior work, but nobody wants to do business with them because they are a bear to be around. Our emotional intelligence, or EQ, is as important as our IQ.

Hard work doesn’t mean much if a person is working hard at the wrong things. Anyone can work hard at digging a hole, but is the hole good for anything? Does it have a purpose? Is the action in line with the company’s goals?

Hard, good work is essential. It is the fuel that powers creation. It creates value. But hard work without vital relationships and purposeful focus is like the Myth of Sisyphus. A person can roll that boulder up a hill, only to see it roll down and repeat the action.


What is Love?

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 13:6-7

The kind of love the Apostle Paul talked about in 1 Corinthians 13 is in short supply but so needed in the world. It reminds me of a Burt Bacharach song. It’s the kind of love every person hopes they find, but can be so difficult to show to others.

It’s the kind of love that is the only hope for humanity. It takes humility and a higher power to give. Every time I feel selfish, disgruntled and entitled, I know I have fallen short and need a heaping dose of it to I can give it out once again.

It is why I will be in a house of worship this morning. Because I need to feel it in order to give it away.

Christianity motivation

Continual Acts of Kindness

This morning, I get to teach kids about kindness. We’ve been talking this month about the Fruit of the Spirit, which is found in Galatians 5:22-23.

It’s a topic that was drilled into me at a very young age. I am the oldest of four kids and unfortunately, firstborn kids are not known for being the supreme leader of kindness. At least this kid wasn’t the king of kindness when his little brother or sister just just ate the last cookie.

I was fortunate that not only my patient parents emphasized kindness, but my kindergarten teacher did too. She had us recite Ephesians 4:32 every morning before we began our class in the old King James Version .

“Be he kind one to another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:32 KJV

It didn’t always stop the playground drama. Nor did it eliminate the urge to hoard all the good, unbroken crayons. But it did make me pause and think. It was one of those kindergarten lessons that come back to me even today.

My prayer this morning is that the kids I teach will remember today’s lesson when they are tempted to be rude or react angrily to to a perceived injustice. Let’s keep learning how to be kind, tender hearted and forgiving in a world desperate for all three qualities.