children's ministry

Sketch Notes from The Orange Conference Coming Up

I am on my way to the 2017 Orange Conference. I have been there once before and I can’t wait to meet up with thousands of people that share my passion for children’s ministry.

For the next couple of days, I will be sharing my sketch notes from the conference. Here is a taste from the last conference I attended. These sketch notes were from a conference held by Amy Fenton Lee with

Stay tuned for more sketch notes!

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relationship cartoons technology cartoons

Real or Virtual Friends?

Cartoon of two women at a fast food restaurant. One says, “Level with me, Doris. Are you my real or virtual friend.”In this cartoon, two women are at a fast food restaurant, One says, “Level with me, Doris. Are you my real or virtual friend.”

I know. Social media is giving me a headache too. I use it for business, yet sometimes, all the tweets and posts get me down too. We know all of us, including me, share only the highlight reel. We aren’t going to talk about the mundane, the mild frustrations and the lost car keys.

I am glad I can keep in touch with family and friends through social media. But at the end of the day, it is the real, face to face encounters that strengthen real friendships. 


Sermon Notes Sketch notes

Sketch Notes: Because He Lives, All Fear is Gone

Sermon sketch notes based on "Because He Lives, All Fear is Gone."
I took these sketch notes at Salem Church of God in Clayton, Ohio

This sketch note page is from yesterday’s sermon at my church. Pastor Steve Southards from Salem Church of God continued his sermon series based on the song, “Because He Lives” by Bill and Gloria Gaither.

I loved the tin pan illustration Pastor Southards shared at the end. His grandfather loved to garden. When Steve visited, he would see aluminum foil pie pans hung over the garden. His grandfather put them there to scare away the birds, deer and other animals that wanted the tasty fruits and vegetables. Steve observed if a bird was smart, he might look for the foil pans because that would signify something good was nearby.

Too often, what scares us could actually hide the blessing we desire the most. Great sermon, as always from Pastor Southards.

church cartoons Science Cartoon

Double Helix Church

Cartoon of a woman answering the the telephone. The solicitor is selling a DNA testing machineCartoon of a woman answering a telephone. She says, “No thank you. I am pretty sure our church does not need a DNA testing machine.

I am not sure a genetic testing machine would make background checks in children’s and youth ministry easier. But all the same, I think churches will have no need for this office machine of the future. Actually, I hope the average office won’t need it either!

church cartoons

The Hazards of Church Bats and Squirrels

cartoon of a janitor with a squirrel on his head. He says, “We don’t have bats in the belfry. But we may have squirrels in the attic.”Janitor says, “We don’t have bats in the belfry. But we may have squirrels in the attic.”

Maintenance issues abound at churches, especially the older ones. I never attended a church that had a belfry. But I wish I did so I could say at least once there were bats in the belfry. It seems squirrels in the attic would create an equally erratic outcome.

I drew this for the April 2017 Church of God CHOGNews.