Business Cartoons Career

Weighted Mail Comments

Cartoon of a woman upset over a bulk mail commentCartoon of an upset woman. She says, “Just when I got my mind of my weight, you had me run more bulk mail!

An office can be fraught with traps and pitfalls. Bulk mail machines are just one of the many scary contraptions. 

children's ministry cartoons church cartoons Kidzmatter Magazine Magazine

Volunteer Appreciation Sunday

© Copyright 2017 Kidzmatter &Kevin SpearI have seen my wife display supreme leadership when it comes to volunteers. It takes a true leader to motivate a group of volunteers, especially when change is involved.

church cartoons

First Church Lighting Complaint Line

Cartoon of a man waiting at t phone. The captions says, Welcome to the First Church Sound and Lighting Complaint Line. If you use a hearing aid, turned it all the way up, and are complaining the sound was too loud, please press “1.”I once served on a Board of Worship Arts Committee. One time, the worship pastor said, “We had a good Sunday. The number of complaints that the sound was too low equaled the number that said it was too loud.


You Can’t Take it With You… or Can you?

Cartoon of a grumpy man and a doctor. The grumpy man says, "Well Doc, If I can't take it with me, then you better ensure I'm not going!"We fool ourselves if we think the guy who dies with the most toys wins. The other day, I ran through a cemetery. There were impressive headstones, large monuments, and simple markers. Yet I was the only one there. No one cared about these tributes to a past life and the occupants didn’t seem like they cared either.

Easter holiday The Gospels

Easter Sketch Talk

Yesterday morning, I learned a valuable lesson about the church at Easter, technology and children’s ministry. On an Easter morning, it doesn’t matter how fast your Internet is. It probably won’t be able to handle the scores of people that are connected to your wifi. 

The first hour of children’s church, I drew the lesson on a whiteboard. The second hour, I was able to use my cell phone hotspot to draw the lesson on my iPad.

If you are presenting a lesson wirelessly, always have a backup plan. I am thankful a whiteboard easel was handy. I am also thankful my cell phone hotspot answered the call.

I drew these sketches in Air Sketch Pro

Here is the end result from my iPad. Happy Easter!

Sketch of Jesus entering Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. The Triumphal Entry
© Copyright 2017 Kevin Spear
Sketch of Jesus before the Sanhedrin trial
© Copyright 2017 Kevin Spear
Jesus Before Pilate
© Copyright 2017 Kevin Spear
The empty tomb
© Copyright 2017 Kevin Spear
Sketch of the end of my presentation with the word, "Alive"
© Copyright 2017 Kevin Spear