Just fun

Turning of the Seasons

King Solomon, in Ecclesiastes wrote, “There is a time and a season for everything.” The seasons are turning in Ohio and Indiana. And I am fine with that. 

Last year, we missed autumn because we were in Arizona. My wife and I tried to get used to drinking pumpkin spiced concoctions in one hundred degree heat. We never could quite get used to it. This autumn feels normal again. The frost is on the pumpkin and the fodder’s in the shock. (Thank you, James Whitcomb Riley)

What does all this mean on an autumn Saturday? Only that things change. Life changes continually, and I love it. Now, ask me again in a few months when the snow is falling, the temperature plummets and I start complaining about selling my snow blower!

Internet technology cartoons

Simple Tips to Choosing and Remembering a Password

Sketch of a laptop saying to its user, "12345? You can do better than that!"

Passwords are the bane of every person that has to set up a new account. It can be frustrating to pick a good password, then sign in the site a few weeks later only to forget the password. But choosing a password such as 12345 or abcdefg isn’t a good idea either. I have found there are some ways to get over the password blues.

Christianity church cartoons

No Presidential Debate Here

Cartoon of a fearful boy and a man in front of a podium. The man says, "Don't worry. There's no presidential debate here. It's just the pastor's pulpit.

I’m wondering if kids who are hearing US election news may start to build up a little anxiety. People on both sides are shrill. the rhetoric has never been more emotionally charged. Manners have been trashed. It’s just a mess.

I thought of this cartoon when I thought of the reassuring words I have heard from pulpits. This month, my pastor is doing a sermon series based on the subject, “Brave.” I am just glad there are still places where you can find words of hope and encouragement.

I drew this cartoon for the October 2016, Church of God Newsletter.

Attitude Purpose

Running in the rain makes you resilient… or crazy 

Nighttime photo of the Greenville, Ohio traffic circle.Just after I took this photo, the rain came down. I knew it was coming. The weather app warned me. But I was happy. I was hoping to make it to this point before the shower. Thankfully, the lightning didn’t show up until I was nearly done. By the time I finished I was drenched.

In the past, a dear family member or two would call me crazy for running in inclement weather. Friends usually say nothing but give me that look as if I had sniffed too much rubber cement in my early graphic design days.

Career children's ministry cartoons

Networking Gold

Cartoon of a happy man. He says to a woman, "I struck gold today! I networked with a bounce house rental business owner!"
Copyright © Kevin Spear & Kidzmatter

When it comes to networking, my wife is a pro. She is a children’s pastor. You can bet she has a bounce house vendor on speed dial.

I realized how handy that was when each of our children graduated from high school. She knew parents would bring their children. On each open house, the bounce house rental guy showed up and set up quite the nice bounce house. The kids had a blast and parents could mingle and congratulate our graduate without a worry.