CHOG News church cartoons Newsletters

Coffee and Church Culture

I’ve grown up in a culture that values church and coffee. Yes, Coffee and church culture go together. When I’ve gone to church, I knew I could find a a carafe of coffee ready for those seeking a good word and a good brew.

But thanks to COVID, that’s been interrupted like so many other things. Today, when one goes to church, one notices the coffee bars are shut down and the carafes are missing. I have learned to bring my travel mug with me. That’s been the only reliable way to ensure I have a coffee in one hand and am lifting my hand in worship with the other. I like to keep the caffeinated praise going.

Cartoon of two people observing a sleeping person on the floor. One says, "He's okay. He's just struggling because we aren't serving coffee."

The poor guy in my cartoon didn’t come as prepared as I am. There was no cup of Joe to rise him from the muddled mind of the morning. He’ll be okay. He just needs someone to run to the convenience store and get him a good styrofoam cup of the high octane stuff!

I drew this cartoon for the November 2022 CHOGNews.

Blog Articles motivation

When things change, find a new melody

As I get older, it’s fun to see friends and peers reinventing themselves. Pivoting has been essential during the COVID-19 pandemic and many people have done just that. I wrote this article about two musicians that found their place during the pandemic.

I especially like one piece of advice Jay gave to musicians. It is something we can all benefit from.

Jay encourages [musicians] to plan, but be flexible. “It’s everybody’s motto these days. And it’s never been truer: live with open hands.”

Article: Jay and Amy Rouse Finds a New Melody

Our best-laid plans were upended in 2020. Everyone has had to find a way to live and work in an alternative way. Some of us have struggled while others have been able to make it work. Resilience and the willingness to change have made a big difference when it has felt like the world was falling apart.

Life rarely goes the way we hoped it would. There are happy surprises as well as unpleasant ones. The future is rarely as predictable as we would like to think it is. Even as there are signs of improvement in COVID vaccines and the economy, we will face some setbacks along the way.

Live with open hands. Find a new melody. Be flexible. It is great advice now and will be great advice in the near and distant future.


Is there healing with COVID-19?

As I write this, it has been a year since everything went into lockdown. As a result, we began to realize a virus was going to dominate our lives for the rest of the year. We’ve heard quite a few stories of lives lost, families struggling with finances, and squabbles about how to bring a pandemic under control.

But I had the opportunity to interview a friend who went through a very nasty bout of COVID in December and January. It was published it in early March.

It is both an article about the serious effects of this disease and an inspirational story about hope and a very special Christmas morning.

About the time this happened. A dear uncle and aunt of my wife had the disease. Our aunt didn’t make it. The uncle continues to deal with the devastating effects of this disease. It’s been a continual reminder to me that this virus is nothing to be trifled with.

Do miracles happen even today? Yes, they can happen even with COVID-19. Therefore, if someone you know, or you are struggling with this disease, keep fighting and keep hope alive. This scourge can be overcome.

However, I didn’t write this to downplay the severity of the pandemic. I know people are suffering. After all, my interviewee didn’t have a smooth ride through the ordeal. She was challenged like she never had been before. But she made it!

In conclusion, I had a Zoom call with her and her husband the other day. She continues to heal; she is on the mend. I pray that others that have faced the physical and financial challenges of COVID-19 will experience similar inspirational stories of miracles, hope, and recovery.

Blog Articles

Are rebirth and renewal possible?

We get excited about new things. Our culture likes the latest and greatest. But are rebirth and renewal possible? Is it better to reinvent and bring something to life?

In church culture, a church plant gets attention. However, you rarely hear about a church restarting after several years. Based on an article I wrote, I’d say rebirth and renewal are just as exciting.

A couple whom I know and have worked with have relaunched a church in Sarasota, Florida. There’s something special about restarting something that appeared to be over. Restarting can be just as exciting as beginning something new. This couple is doing something special in sunny Florida. If you live in the area, I’d encourage you to visit them.

church cartoons technology cartoons

How to have a bad virtual church board meeting

It’s too easy to have a bad virtual meeting. We’ve all had to learn how to frame ourselves in a camera. Some have learned to adjust. Others have had some major faux pas.

A few weeks ago, a Texas lawyer had such a problem. He couldn’t figure out how to turn off a cat filter during a legal hearing. Many parents chuckled about that one. Yet many also secretly thought, “When I share a computer with my kid, I hope she doesn’t do that to me.” Perhaps the kids are getting back at us for times we’ve used technology to spy on them.

You may know how to have a bad virtual church board meeting. But what are some ways to have a good meeting?

  • Make good use of the mute button when you aren’t speaking
  • Remember you have the mute button on and turn it off before you speak!
  • Consider the lighting. If you can’t see yourself very well in the screen because the lighting is too bright, you may want to do something about it.
  • Give the speaker feedback with positive gestures such as a smile and a nod when they make a point
  • Pay attention and stay focused on the meeting
  • Turn off notifications before you share a screen

Two more tips; pay attention to how close or far away you are from the camera… and keep your nose clean!

Cartoon of a man at a laptop. he says, "Welcome to the virtual church board meeting... Ed, in your frame, we can only see your big nose."

I drew this cartoon for the November 2022 CHOGNews.