Christianity motivation

Two churches from two cultures make a huge impact

I had the pleasure of interviewing two pastors that are making a big impact in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

What impressed me about these two churches is how they work together. Cooperation is a big skill that pays big dividends. But it seems like our world attempts to keep us all from cooperating. Therefore, you don’t have to look far to find news about someone who refuses to work with others. Stalemates and quagmires seem to be preferable to getting anything done. It can feel like the world is in a hostile takeover.

However, progress and solutions require negotiations and compromise. It’s how teams are formed and do anything effective. As a result, it requires some trade-offs. The temptation, and the shortcut, is to surround ourselves with people who look like us, think like us and act like us. There is comfort in being around like-minded individuals. But the problem with that comfort is we tend to gravitate towards group think. Diversity is essential to get anything done.

Likewise, diversity and compromise essential in marriages. I am glad I didn’t marry someone who was just like me. I have learned much from my wife over the years. And I think she’s learned a thing or two from me.

Yes, two churches from different cultures can make a big impact. We can learn a thing or two from their example.

church cartoons

It’s a tough time for huggers

My it’s been a hard time for huggers if they venture out into the world! COVID has made hugging a threatening gesture in some circles. This will become more awkward as people get vaccinated and feel they’re good to go. I thought about that when I drew this cartoon.

It can get even more unpredictable when you’re dealing with kids. Spontaneous hugs go with the territory. How are you going to tell a four-year old to refrain from a hug?

I am thankful for the huggers in my life. But I’ve never been one of them. Hugging was already a challenging activity before the last year hit. Elbow bumps and air-high-fives have been the greeting of choice for an introvert like me for some time. I feel for the huggers. It’s a tough time for them!

Cartoon of a man running away from a woman. The caption reads, "Pastor Dan takes evasive measures when another hugger returns to church."
Published in the January 2021 CHOGNews

I drew this cartoon for the January 2021 CHOGNews.

Christianity Missions writing

Article: Disaster-Stricken States Blessed by Ohio Team

I wrote this article on a disaster relief team that originates in Ohio. This was through the CHOGNews web site.

I enjoyed getting to know the leaders and some of the workers who have worked tirelessly through some tough situations. One of the volunteers is a man I have known for several years and is related to my wife’s side of the family. Furthermore, it was great to explore the family connection and see how this group has responded to needs.

I witnessed a bit of their work when Dayton, Ohio experienced a series of tornadoes on Memorial Day, 2019. Some of their work was based out my church. Therefore, I so appreciated their efforts because as a Hoosier and Buckeye, I’ve experienced a few tornadoes and know what devastation they can cause.

I used to think everything I created had to be funny. And we sure need some comic relief in a world that has its fair share of tragedies! But I have learned that getting some good news out there, such as an article on a disaster relief team, can lift spirits just as much as a little humor. Besides, humor can devolve into negativity just as quickly as any other form of writing.

There is some good in the world. I encourage everyone to find it. Sure, we need to be informed about injustice and concerning events. But what are people doing behind the scenes that are making a positive difference? After a tornado, who is doing the clean-up and helping others get back on their feet? After a demonstration, who is reaching out and showing there can be healing and reconciliation?

We can all make a difference. It was good to interview some people that know a response to a disaster is better than shaking our heads at a new feed. They reminded me I need to do less doom scrolling and more positive action. Yes, we can all make a difference!


When is it time to quit?

Is it time to quit when things just seem too hard? Is it time to quit when everyone around us has given up? What about when all the reports and social media say it’s time to quit?

  • We love a good story where the hero doesn’t give up even when all seems lost.
  • We revel in the feel-good tale of a pet that is found when most thought the critter was no more.
  • Who doesn’t like to see someone who has overcome the odds?

There is always a chance that an effort is futile. We may not always get what we want. But those who refuse to quit will reap rewards even if the odds are against them and the battle is a foregone conclusion.

We can find a good cause and change the world for the better when we refuse to quit. But when we do it…

Resolve only reaps rewards when we treat others the way we want to be treated. That includes any perceived enemies.

"Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to give up. "Napoleon Hill
Encouragement motivation

Can anything good come of 2020?

No matter how you slice it, 2020 was a rough year. We had two promising months in the beginning before we realized we were facing a global crisis. Can anything good come of such a trying year? Yes, it can!

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

Isaiah 43:19 (KJV)

This verse reminds me that all is not lost. When it seems there is nothing but wilderness and desert, we can know that things will get better. Good things are coming.

If you are reading this, congratulations! You made it through 2020! A new year means there is potential for a new beginning. It’s fun for me to look back through my posts talking about a new year. Each one sounded hopeful. And yes, we have reasons to be hopeful. We’ve learned some important lessons about perseverance, patience, and about pivoting during trying circumstances. These lessons can be very good for us in the future.

Like you, I am glad to see 2020 in the rearview mirror. But let’s also look forward. We will see a way in the wilderness. We will see rivers form in the desert. This year was not wasted. It can set up for success in 2021.

Cartoon of a guy with a calendar. He says to a woman, "This year looked so promising, until I realized I was looking at last year's calendar."