Business Business Cartoons motivation

Does it feel like the world is in a hostile takeover?

When I first drew this cartoon, I was thinking about business takeovers in the era of the Great Recession. It was a time when housing bubbles and sub-par mortgages dominated the news. The thought of a rogue virus taking on the world economy was nowhere to be found.

Today, most businesses are more concerned with the effects of the virus than with another corporation coming in and swallowing them up. We all face a common enemy now. It’s as if this virus is immature sticking out its tongue at us.

But it can be vanquished. We can win this war. It will take time, determination, and a pivot in how we do business. This is a time to unite against a common enemy. This virus is relentless and hostile. Let’s work together to end this scourge.

Cartoon of two business executives

Are we all being recorded now?

When I drew this cartoon, I worked at a call center in Arizona for a time. We had to remind anyone we called that the line could be recorded. It would make me think whenever I would make a call. I wanted to choose carefully the words I would use.

Today, I have noticed when I am on video calls, there is an option to record the conversation. Since we are using electronic communication so much now, I wonder how many times this feature is being used.

Does it matter? If you knew your conversation was being recorded and could be broadcast to the world, would you be kinder, more thoughtful? Perhaps you would think before you speak?

Perhaps it is good to assume we are being recorded. I’ve made an effort to consider this when I create a blog post. Let’s all consider the words we say and how we say them.

Cartoon of a pastor saying, "I must remind you my sermons are recorded for quality assurance."
motivation writing

What is the difference between hope and despair?

There is little need for hope when things are going great. When life is just humming along, we can have false confidence things are going to stay this way indefinitely. We can pretend that it is something we did, or that we are simply fortunate and will stay that way.

But when we face challenges, that is when we are faced with a choice. Do we give in to despair, or do we speak a message of hope?

Choose Hope

All of us have faced challenges recently. our health, our welfare, and our well-being have all faced an onslaught. We have similar facts. Do we choose to speak a message of hope or despair? I encourage you to speak words of hope. Get your facts out on a page. or type them into a document. Then speak words of hope. Just like we didn’t expect these challenges in 2020, we can face unexpected bright days ahead.

I am a person of faith and a Christ-follower. If you are having a challenge with finding hope, I am more than happy to share the faith and hope I have. It is a firm foundation for me.

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain.

Hebrews 6:19 (NIV)

Our faith and hope change how we look at circumstances. We didn’t have to use it much before this year. Now it is time to exercise that mental and spiritual muscle.

pet cartoons

How are the pets faring while we stay at home?

It seems every other news article is about how pets are reacting while we work from home.

It seems Buzzfeed has a post every other day about annoyed pets during the quarantine. And perhaps all our furry companions can’t wait until we return to the workplace.

But perhaps pets are more resilient than we think. Do we implant on them emotions they are not really feeling? If we assume our cat would be annoyed we are home, do we interpret every action they do as a testament to their annoyance?

When I drew this illustration, my daughter brought home a new puppy. We assumed our cat would go ballistic. He didn’t. He tolerated the new pooch fairly well. I was both relieved and disappointed. I was relieved that the pets got along while disappointed I wouldn’t have an epic struggle to write about. That is one of the curses of a writer. We don’t want conflict, but we know it provides great fodder for our writing.

Pets will get through this just as we will. It will take some time and adjustment. Maybe they will face separation anxiety… or maybe we will. But either way, we will adjust. In the meantime, maybe it’s best to give your cat some space and have his naptime.

Cartoon of an annoyed cat and a dog
Copyright © 2007 Kevin Spear

How will businesses survive this pandemic?

I have learned much from my wife over the years. One of the key takeaways I have seen in her that deep meaning and purpose is a powerful motivator. I have seen it in her recent decision to resign from a great position and to pursue what she feels is next in her life.

She certainly didn’t do it for the money. There was no lucrative position waiting for her. She did it because she feels she is being called to a higher purpose. We are still working on what that looks like. Yet, I am confident she will find her next step and help many women that have seen their lives turned upside down during the coronavirus lockdown.

Working With a Purpose

This current environment has had a deep impact on businesses. We won’t fully know the impact for months to come. One effect will be is that businesses that have lost their purpose years ago will most likely die. After all, it is going to take an extreme effort to restart many businesses. If the only reason it existed before March of 2020 was to make a profit, it may not be enough of a motivator to get it running again.

Just existing for profit will not be enough to resuscitate many businesses. Mission statements will become more than just something the leadership pays lip service to. Businesses will need a mission to continue through the challenging times that are ahead. We will all need a purpose that is more than just going through the motions of profit. Because profit may not come easily. It may take time and patience to become profitable once again.

So what is the purpose of your business?