children's ministry cartoons

Gross Volunteering Cartoon

Sometimes, volunteer workers encounter disgusting situations. I thought about what that would look like if a boy volunteer was hoping for such a situation, but he had no luck. That led to this gross volunteering cartoon.

Gross volunteering cartoon: A boy says, "Our group is cleaning this park. Anything disgusting in this area?"

This cartoon reminds me of two times I volunteered and encountered something gross.

children's ministry cartoons

Down to Our Level Cartoon

Last Sunday, I had several kids who wanted me to play games with them. They like it when an adult takes an interest in them. Several years ago, such an incident inspired this “down to our level cartoon.”

Down to our level cartoon. A girl says about a teacher, "He was sitting down to get to our level, when his back filed a formal complaint."

I’ve learned that when I’m consistently in a classroom, and I take an interest in what the kids are doing, they naturally want me to participate in their activities. To me, it’s common sense. But how often do we do just that? How often do we set aside our agenda for a moment and focus on the other person?

Easter holiday

Easter Bunny Controversy

Happy Easter! This morning, the birds are singing as I get ready for this Resurrection Sunday. Let’s start off with an Easter bunny controversy cartoon.

Easter Bunny Controversy cartoon. A boy says to the Easter Bunny, "Why do you choose to make kids happy by stealing from chickens?"

The Easter bunny has always given me the creeps. I giant six-foot rodent never appeared to me no matter how many treat-filled eggs I received. Besides, an Easter egg hunt looked to me like a terror-filled survival of the fittest. I have an early memory of running frantically to try to get at least one egg before the bigger, faster kids took them all.

children's ministry cartoons

Spiritual Discipline for Kids Cartoon

I have worked with kids at church for some time. My goal has been to pass along some of the joys and insights I have learned along the way. That can be challenging when children are excited and very active. So this led to this spiritual discipline for kids cartoon.

Spiritual discipline for kids cartoon. A teacher says, "It can be challenging to teach spiritual discipline to a child who once stuck gum drops up his nose."

Morning and Evening Kids

There is a big difference between a Sunday morning and an evening group of kids. On Sunday morning, most children are subdued. They may be just waking up. Perhaps the cereal hasn’t kicked in or they were doing activities the night before.

Adobe Illustrator Bible cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon Proverbs School Cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic wisdom

Wisdom and Talking Cartoon

Being quiet has its advantages. When we slow down and listen to others, we can be perceived as knowledgeable without saying a word. This concept and a proverb led to this wisdom and talking cartoon.

Wisdom and talking cartoon: A boy says,  "Everyone thinks I am wise until you call on me and I have to open my mouth!"

There are several Bible verses that speak about this. But for me, James 1:19 has helped me greatly over the years. If only it was easy to apply to everyday living! Social and traditional media encourages us to spout off whatever comes to mind. After all, a blog with no content isn’t very compelling, is it?