
What a Vehicle Breakdown Taught Me About Creativity

I didn’t want the experience. Nobody looks forward to problems. But learning from them is so valuable. Among other things, that is what a vehicle breakdown taught me about creativity.

My family moved from Indiana to Arizona. For the first half of the trip, everything seemed to go according to plan. But as we were about to enter the Texas Panhandle, one of our two vans just lost it. Of all things, the power steering pulley broke.

We stayed two days in Shamrock, Texas while we waited for repairs. and we thought everything was fine. Then the same van overheated from Amarillo to Tucumcari, New Mexico. Once again, we found a garage to repair the ailing van. Alas, we limped through Albuquerque until the van gave up the ghost in Grants, New Mexico. It all sounds so simple now. But it was quite an ordeal. And guess what? I know next to nothing about cars!

Besides a great story for Spear family lore, this episode taught me a few things about creativity.


Spooky Customer Service

If there is one thing the Casper, the Friendly Ghost cartoons taught me is that ghosts can have spooky customer service.

Spooky customer service cartoon. A girl says to a ghost, "This is really a bad time for a scare. Can you come back later?"

Judging by the expression of this spirit, I’m guessing he will honor the girl’s wishes. What a nice ghost! I’m sure he will come back later when it’s more convenient.

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons children's ministry cartoons gag cartoon single panel cartoon technology cartoons webcomic

Roughing it at Church Camp Cartoon

As we enter the month of May, and the end of school is in sight, it becomes the prime season for a roughing it at church camp cartoon.

Roughing it at church camp cartoon. One boy says, "I'm signing up for church camp even if they do rough it there. Did you know they don't even have wifi?"

This cartoon was in a magazine that focused on summer activities and missions. They were talking about Vacation Bible School, camps, and all-around summer fun.

Some of my earlier memories were when my mom took some kids to church camp in Northern Indiana. The camp seemed rustic even to a kindergartner. It didn’t look much better when I was old enough to go camping.

children's ministry cartoons

Gross Volunteering Cartoon

Sometimes, volunteer workers encounter disgusting situations. I thought about what that would look like if a boy volunteer was hoping for such a situation, but he had no luck. That led to this gross volunteering cartoon.

Gross volunteering cartoon: A boy says, "Our group is cleaning this park. Anything disgusting in this area?"

This cartoon reminds me of two times I volunteered and encountered something gross.

Attitude children cartoons

Are you an optimist or pessimist?

When it gets right down to it, which one are you? Are you an optimist or pessimist? Do you say the glass is half empty, half full, or has life dumped the contents all over you?

Are you and optimist or pessimist? Cartoon of an angry girl and a drenched boy. The boy says, “You may think the glass is half-empty, but I say it is half-full. At least it was before you dumped it on me.”

Have you ever experienced the ire of someone who just wants to stay in a bad mood? Boy, I have! I’ve tried to tell a few jokes, act silly, and even encourage them to join along. Usually, it goes horribly wrong. In fact, I’ve learned the best way to make a pessimist feel better is to allow them to get you down. They aren’t happy until they make you miserable. Misery loves company, right?