
Took a risk, no regrets

Last year, my wife and I took one of the biggest risks of our lives. We moved away from everything and everyone we knew to do what we were called to do. I resigned from a steady job where I had a recent promotion to join my wife in this new adventure. Like the legend of Hérnando Cortéz, we burned our ships didn’t look back and headed for Arizona.

It didn’t work out the way we had hoped. I thought I could immediately land a new job right away. It took eight months. My father-in-law was gravely ill and eventually passed away. This caused us to make many trips back to the Midwest. A five-year commitment was cut to one year.

Yet, we have no regrets. In fact, I am glad we took a risk. It taught me a few things I never expected. 

Guest Blog Post

1/14/16 – Finding Your Internal GPS – Career Connectors

On January 14, I was the guest blogger for Career Connectors. The speaker was Paula Shoup of Internal GPS and it was on using your internal GPS to stay positive during difficult times.


Second thoughts are inevitable. Know your Why!

Three boys are posing. The second one has a "messy middle" sign. The third boy thinks, "Why?"Sooner or later, you will have second thoughts about an action. Maybe things aren’t going as smoothly as you hoped. Maybe the excitement of a new idea wears out and the hard work continues.

children cartoons

Four thousand cartoons and a drone

Cartoon of parents and a boy. The dad says, "Yes, it would make your summer break interesting, but you're still not getting a drone!"


This is my official four-thousandth cartoon. At least it is as far as my record keeping is concerned. There are thousands of others in my sketchbook that have never been numbered.

I began numbering the ones I wanted to finish about twenty-five years ago. So that’s about one cartoon every two days. When I began this journey, it didn’t occur to me what number I would reach. Who knows where it will all end.

What I do know is that if you have a large project, It’s best to break it down into little pieces instead of tackling it all at once. Whether it’s drawing cartoons or saving up to purchase a drone, it all takes a series of little steps to reach your goal.

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children cartoons

Achievable Goals

Cartoon of boy holding a frisbee

Cartoon of a boy holding a frisbee. The boy says, “They say start with achievable goals. Today, my goal is to catch this Frisbee®.”

The funny thing about goals is they can motivate you to get moving. But if you aren’t motivated, it’s hard to set goals. If you are down in the dumps, it can be easy to moan, “What’s the point?”

If you find yourself in this predicament, I’ve found that setting small goals can help get the momentum back in your favor. And yes, they can be a silly as catching a Frisbee® if that is important to you (and I find that to be an especially good goal if you can catch it behind your back or between your legs).

Often, I can get overwhelmed if I try to reach an unreachable, lofty  goal. If you find yourself in such a situation, break that big goal into little, reachable goals. Each positive step you take can get you moving in the right direction.