family wisdom

What Marriage Has Taught Me

Out on the town for our 35th anniversary

A lot has happened since I said, “I do.” On my wedding anniversary, I pondered what thirty-five years of marriage has taught me.

On December 3, 1988, I took the plunge with a lady I had fallen for nearly two years earlier. We began as college classmates, learned to like each other (despite our very different music and fashion tastes), and fell in love, to the surprise of nearly everyone (including us).

Since that unseasonably warm December day, we’ve had a lot of adventures and misadventures. We’ve experienced career changes and loss. And we found ourselves in ministry. Boy! We didn’t see that coming!

Along the way, we raised two great kids, two cats, and a dog who hated children. Considering my wife was in children’s ministry, we didn’t consider that an asset.

There are time-worn tips on how to have a successful marriage. There are also a few lessons I learned along the way.

Today, I am pondering some of the lessons I learned. Here are four observations that come to mind.

CHOG News church cartoons motivation Newsletters

Remote Work Makes Every Day Casual Friday

If you have been working from home, have you found that every day has become casual Friday? I thought of this cartoon idea because I knew Easter Sunday was coming. It’s a time when churchgoers get dressed up. This year was quite different from the past. It was far different than Irving Berlin’s old song.

I didn’t look quite as bad as the guy in my cartoon. Still, it was far more casual than past Easters. I heard stories of people dressing up anyway for the holiday. I would say they probably felt better and it helped lift their spirits. I will have to try it this weekend.

If you have been working remotely and have been a little down in the dumps, it may help to get dressed up as if you were going to your workplace or for an event. In the meantime, I know we’re all looking forward to the day when we can get out their and parade in our Easter bonnet, with all the frills upon it.

I drew this cartoon for the April 2020 CHOGNewsletter.

Cartoon of a man in a bathrobe and an annoyed women. The wife says, "When we get to go to church again, this WON'T be your new church look."
Published in the April 2020 CHOGNewsletter
relationship cartoons technology cartoons

Have YOU Experienced Keyboard Face?

Cartoon of a woman falling asleep on her computer keyboardCartoon of a guy observing a woman sleeping on her computer keyboard. He says, “Whoops! It looks like another case of Keyboard Face!

You can tell this cartoon is a little older by the shape of the monitor. Do you remember those heavy, computer monitors? They had those lead-lined cathode ray tubes (CRT‘s)? I don’t miss those one bit!

relationship cartoons

How to solve the biggest problem with marriage

Man in knight armor says to receptionist, "If anyone needs me, I'll be counseling a couple."

I am not a certified marriage counselor, but I’ve been married for twenty-five years and am looking forward to the next twenty-five. We’ve had out ups and downs, but I am relieved to say my bride has stuck with me. What has been our secret? Mutual submission.

“Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.” Ephesians 5:21

The biggest problem with all marriages is that it contains two selfish people. When I entered into marriage, I selfishly thought my bride would take care of all my needs. And she thought the same. We had to learn to work together, show humility and to think of the other person.

It isn’t easy, and our culture won’t help. It will tell you it is all about your needs and your desires. That is why the more selfish we get as a society, the more marriage has suffered.

If you are a Christian, I would encourage you to read Ephesians 5:21-33.  It contains some tough instructions for a husband and wife to follow.  But I have found that it works.

It never was just about our needs.

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relationship cartoons

Cartoon: Nagging Driver

Cartoon of a couple in an automobile

Cartoon of a couple in a car. The woman says, ““I only nag you when you’re lost. The problem is, you’re always lost.”