Is it edifying? You might say, “edi- what?” It’s not a word we hear very often. My mother used it all the time when I was a child. I would be watching some goofy TV show. She would come up to me and ask, “Is this edifying?” I had no idea what she meant, but I suspected she didn’t think Gilligan’s Island fit within the edifying category.
According to Merriam Webster, here’s the definition of edifying:
Edifying: Instructive or informative in a way that improves the mind or character.
edifying,” Dictionary, Accessed 8/24/2020.
In today’s climate, we’re needing something edifying more than ever.
- We need something that uplifts
- We need something that inspires
- We need something that leaves us better than when we consumed it
Once I knew what edifying meant, I was annoyed at Mom’s question. I would think that wasn’t the point of entertainment. I just wanted to laugh at some slapstick idiocy, for crying out loud!
But now I see we need some edification. Too many people are hurting each other. We all need to learn how to endure when our situation is less than ideal. We each need to be reminded how to be kind and love in the face of fear and anger. It’s time for some edification, some inspiration, and yes, perhaps like the pastor in the cartoon, we can add some caffeination while we’re at it!

I drew this for the August 2020 CHOGNews.