motivation Running

Running as a Form of Prayer Step-by-step

Mornings are my favorite time to run. As I head out the door, the new day has yet to take shape. There are so many possibilities. An early morning run is an excellent time to begin the day in prayer. Indeed, I’ve found running to be a form of prayer. I agree with the blog that prayer and running go hand-in-hand.

I didn’t start running to strengthen my spiritual life. Instead, I began because I wasn’t happy with my dad’s gut. But as I have turned running into a habit, I’ve found the practice to be just as spiritual as physical.

How do you connect with God? How do you make running a form of prayer? The following steps have helped me.

church cartoons motivation

Why do you look so different?

I originally posted this on June 19, 2020. I find it especially interesting now that the WHO recently declared the global COVID health emergency is over. It only took three years. May it be a very long time before we see another one. In the meantime, I must ask: why do you look so different?

For the last couple of weeks, my wife and I traveled for our daughter’s wedding. It’s been touch and go for the last several months. Would COVID-19 postpone the wedding? Would we have to limit the guests to just ten people? Would quarantine prevent us from going?

As we made our journey, we saw many people in masks. We wore ours when we were in stores. We even experienced our first COVID-19 checkpoint. Modern travel in the USA never felt so adventurous.

Now that we’re back, we are hearing that the first wave of the pandemic isn’t over and that there may be more constraints coming. We are just glad we were able to have the wedding and celebrate our daughter and new son-in-law.

When I drew this cartoon earlier, I thought of how it will be when more churches will be meeting again. Our local church begins its first in-person services this Sunday. Undoubtedly, there will be people in masks, which may make church a little awkward as we speak through masks or are concerned about someone who forgot we are still supposed to follow social distancing guidelines.

Mask or Not

So do you look different these days? Are you a little more anxious? Are you more concerned about your health than ever? Do you waffle between wearing a mask in public and having faith that this is not as big of a deal as some make it?

Mask or not, I think we all look a little different these days. Let’s remember to show grace and compassion to those who are fearful. And to those with fear and anxiety, know that so many understand and are wrestling with these questions too. We’ll get through this time of health and economic uncertainty. Have patience and courage. And it’s still a good idea to wear that mask!

cartoon of two people. A man wears a mask. A woman says, "You look different. New Mask?
Published in the June 2020 CHOGNews

I drew this cartoon for the June 2020 CHOGNews.


Fasten Your Seat Belts! Life is a Roller Coaster!

No one has a life of complete ups or eternal downs. We are imperfect people living in an imperfect world. We all experience good and bad times. It makes you fasten your seat belts—Life is a roller coaster!

Cartoon of a grandfather and grandson on a roller coaster. Fasten your seat belts! Life is a roller coaster!

Optimists tend to overlook the lows and focus on the highlights. Pessimists tend to focus on the low times in their life. When I’m on a roller coaster, I focus on getting through it without nausea or injury. That’s the stage of life I’m in these days!


Be on the Lookout for Unique Journeys

Opportunities come in unique packages. Sometimes it’s evident and exciting. Other times, they are disguised as problems. It shows that we should always be on the lookout for unique journeys.

I had the chance to interview a pastor with a unique road to becoming a church leader. Here is a link to the article:

Business motivation Quotes

Why is Humility Good Business?

A quote from The Millionaire Mind, by Thomas Stanley, answered my question, “Why is humility good business?” The author interviewed an entrepreneur that owns and runs an auto junkyard. He asked the owner what made him successful.

The owner replied that at first, he got a lot of pushback from his family. he said his mother asked him, “Anyone can own a junkyard. Why did you go to college—not to own junk!”

Yet, this owner was a deca-millionaire. The author noted that many people overlook opportunities because social status and concern about appearances keep many from noticing opportunities. That led to Thomas Stanley’s quote:

"Snobs do not make great entrepreneurs." Thomas Stanley
Why is humility good for Business
From The Millionaire Mind by Thomas Stanley