Exercise gag cartoon

Modern Charles Atlas

cartoon of a guy showing off his weak musclesCartoon of a guy saying, “Thanks to an intense exercise program, I’ve gone from a 98-pound weakling to a 100-pound powerhouse.”

People who know me call me an exercise nut. I probably look more like the 100-pound “powerhouse” since I run more than anything else. 

This cartoon reminds me how we view ourselves can be more important than our actual appearance. I’ve seen an average Joe be the life of the party because he had a high view of himself. 

So hold your head high and flex those powerhouse muscles! 

technology cartoons

Can you survive if your computer crashed?

cartoon of a monk saying, "It's amazing how backward I feel when my computer crashes."A guy dressed as a monk says, “It’s amazing how backward I feel when my computer crashes.

Have you ever though what would you do if your computer crashed and you lost everything? I love my computer but I also love having my sketchbook close by. I was horrified when I was away from pen and paper for a while and saw how atrocious my penmanship could become.

The other day, I thought about my scores of sketchbooks versus the thousands of files on my computer. Both are fragile. Paper burns and computers crash. But there is something about the sketchbooks that make it more likely they will last after I am gone. Paper is at least a little harder to dispose of than a computer’s memory.

children's ministry cartoons Kidzmatter Magazine Magazine

Gifted and Talented in Children’s Ministry

cartoon of a mother trying to put her son in a gifted and talented programCartoon of a mom saying, “My Billy is very talented for his age. Does your children’s ministry have a gifted and talented class?

Here’s to all the high performing, type A parents that want their kids to excel. I haven’t heard of a gifted and talented program at a church. If you have, let me know. Would midweek programming be considered gifted and talented? I think every kid is gifted and talented according to Ephesians 2:10!

I drew this for Kidzmatter Magazine.


Ever Tried to be Anonymous?

Cartoon of a guy lamenting he has the last name of AnonymousCartoon of two guys. One is lamenting, “It’s tough when your last name is ‘Anonymous.’ Everyone hits you up for donations.”

In my very limited research, I didn’t find anyone whose last name was literally “Anonymous.” I am surprised someone hasn’t had their name legally changed to that. It would be a good way to confuse people.

Have you ever tried to be an anonymous giver? Don’t answer that. It would spoil the whole anonymity thing.

Sermon Notes Sketch notes

He Holds the Future | Sketch Notes

On Sunday, April 30, Pastor Nathanael Lyon (Twitter: @nolyon) preached on Because He Lives, He Holds the Future.  at Salem Church of God. Here are my sketch notes from his sermon.

My big takeaway was purpose must be connected with love. He did a great job combining the spiritual gifts chapter of 1 Corinthians 12 with the love chapter of 1 Corintians 13. The hinge of the two chapters is found in 1 Corintians 12:31
Now eagerly desire the greater gifts. And yet I will show you the most excellent way.
1 Corintians 12:31 (NIV)

Sermon Notes
Copyright ©2017 Kevin Spear. | Sermon Copyrighted ©2017 Nathanael Lyon

Thank you, Pastor Lyon, for Sunday’s sermon!