
Carbon Copy

When I was a kid, I was fascinated by my dad’s office. I would see his typewriter and imagine pounding away at it and creating fun stories. But what really fascinated me was his carbon sheets. With it, I could draw or write something and the sheets would make a carbon copy of what was underneath.

The sheets were very useful in an age where there were no copiers or printers in a home office. Why this seven-year-old was fascinated with them, I’ll never know. After all, I could make a copy, but could I make something original with the sheets? After all, I never saw a carbon copy hung on a refrigerator door.

It took extra effort to make a copy. But even so, it was still a copy. And it wasn’t nearly as crisp or clear as the original. It took some effort to make a copy. It took even more effort to make an original from the sheets.

This quote reminds me when we try to copy others, it doesn’t feel quite as efficient as being the real thing.

“Do not be awe-struck by other people and try to copy them. Nobody can be you as efficiently as you can.”

Norman Vincent Peale (1898 – 1993)

Learning Instead of Duplicating

We can certainly learn from others. After all, I still love to read and pick up tips and tricks from others. In one of Dan Roam’s books, he talks about how Dr. Seuss influenced him as a child. I learned from Dr. Seuss, as well as Charles Schulz, and scores of other writers and illustrators. It’s great to get inspired and learn from others.

We can learn from others without trying to be carbon copies. We will know we are going too far in emulating our heroes and mentors when it feels awkward. Not every trick, habit, or quirk a hero has is worth emulating. Just because Steve Jobs wore black turtle neck sweaters doesn’t mean every software developer has to follow suit.

Learn from others, yet be your own person. The world doesn’t need more carbon copies of a celebrity, mentor, or rock-star software developer. We need the latest version of you!


Have Patience

Today, we will almost certainly need to maintain our composure. If we are parents of young kids, we’ll need it. Waiting for that business deal, or dealing with the workflow will require us to be patient. And someone who is inconsiderate, insincere, or just rude will require a little more from us. We all need a heaping dose of patience.

cartoon of a guy tapping his fingers impatiently on a table

One of those areas will affect some of us more than others. Yet, there is someone all of us will need great tolerance for. That person is ourselves. This quote reminds us we need to give ourselves a break.

Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them – every day begin the task anew.”

Saint Francis de Sales (1567 – 1622)

Of all the people we need patience with, ourselves can be the hardest. We know our thoughts and actions. We can be hard on ourselves way too much. If we have high standards, we will most likely fall short.

Patience Keeps us Moving

However, we all need to give ourselves a break. Because if we aren’t patient with ourselves, we are going to get stuck. Our frustration with our own imperfections will keep us from moving forward.

Instead of mulling over why we did this or that, consider what it would look like to improve. That will keep us moving in the right direction instead of wasting all of our time berating ourselves for our imperfections.

Giving Ourselves a Break Let’s Us Helps Us Help Others

When we give ourselves grace, we are in a much better place to help others. It opens us up to empathy because we can acknowledge we aren’t perfect. High standards are good until it makes us intolerant of human behavior. What is the point of perfection if it alienates us from others?

When we acknowledge we still have much to learn, it helps us to have the patience and empathy to teach others.

Today, let’s give ourselves a little grace, learn from our imperfections and mistakes, and move forward. It can even help us teach others how to overcome some of the obstacles we have faced.


Entertaining Thoughts

We have scores of entertaining thoughts each day. But do we consider which one we should and should not entertain?

We all have random thoughts. Some of them are good and they motivate us to do better. Others can knock the wind out of our sails and make us wonder what is the point? This quote made me consider the implications of our thoughts today.

What do you hang on the walls of your mind?

Eve Arnold

Eve Arnold Quotes., BrainyMedia Inc, 2022., accessed January 26, 2022.

What thoughts do we keep and allow to affect our day? Most of us don’t consider that not all of our thoughts are useful. One minute, we could be telling ourselves that today will be a great day. The next, a random news story or negative coworker can steer us into dark territory.

Not all our thoughts are good ones. Our self-talk can build us up or tear us down. We have to watch those words and thoughts! I had a few tips in a previous blog. In it, I mentioned a Bible verse that has helped me so many times. Psalm 19:14 reminds me that our words and thoughts matter greatly.

Sketch based on Psalm 19:14-May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable and pleasing unto you.

Refrigerator Doors

What entertaining thoughts do we let hang on the walls of our minds? The quote reminds me of a refrigerator door. On it, we hang artwork our children have created, photos of loved ones, and various notes.

It is a place where we have mementos we like to be reminded about. The sundry scraps of paper give us a smile and remind us of good old days and loved ones that have grown.

Our mind is like a refrigerator door. What entertaining thoughts are we hanging there as a reminder? May it be something that inspires us to lift our heads a little higher, causes us to smile, and put a little extra effort into today.


Making Mistakes

Most of us fear making mistakes. We don’t want to be revealed as one who doesn’t have it all figured out. Isn’t it much better for the world to see our perfect selves doing things perfectly in a shiny package? That’s what social media is all about, right?

However, none of us have it all together. What is it about ourselves that fears we’ll be found out as flawed, yet thinks everyone else is perfect? All of us are afraid of making a mistake, especially in public.

This fear keeps us from doing anything worthwhile. It keeps us in line and ensures we won’t do much of value. We forget that the successful fail.

Should we be intentionally making mistakes? No, instead we can learn to overcome the fear that paralyzes us. For example, Harvard Business Review has a good article on how to manage this fear. One great tip is using “emotional agility skills.” We can acknowledge our fear and state them out loud, acknowledge what is true, then use our values to think of some possible actions to take.

Striving for perfection can paralyze us. All of us make mistakes at one time or another and it is okay. It is better to move forward and make mistakes along the way than to strive for a perfect, unattainable standard.


Strategy and Tactics

The journey many of us take isn’t a smooth one. There will be instances that we cannot control. Anyone who didn’t know this before January 2020 knows it today. The plan we had made likely didn’t account for a worldwide pandemic. But that’s okay. There is a difference between strategy and tactics.

This quote by Jimmy Dean reminds me that plans must be flexible.

I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.”

Jimmy Dean

Jimmy Dean Quotes., BrainyMedia Inc, 2022., accessed January 24, 2022.
people riding on white sailboat on body of water
Photo by Quintin Gellar on

Our strategy may be solid. The goals we set out to do may have been worthy and challenging. And depending on how far out we planned, they may still look desirable and attainable. But when the wind changes unexpectedly, how do we adjust and change? There is a difference between strategy and tactics.


Strategy is the long-term planning we do to achieve an overall goal. We see a destination and plan how to get there. It could be a business goal, a personal goal, or a life plan. It may be based on values we hold dear. We like what we see and plan how to get there.


Tactics are the actions we take to achieve our plans. We may develop an action plan and follow through. But in the middle of it, the winds shift. Perhaps the data we had before is now obsolete. Maybe we are planning for a marathon and we get a blister. Or maybe we plan a move only to discover the job we relied on didn’t pan out.

Tactics are important. But they must be flexible if we are going to achieve our strategy. That can be tough when we were certain our plans would work out.

Adjusting the Sails

Today, our strategy may look good, but the winds of change have shaken us up a bit. I encourage you to consider instead of changing your strategy, consider if the tactics need to be modified. Instead of changing the destination, could it be we just need to adjust the sails a little?

I hope you have smooth sailing. But experience tells me there is always a shift in the wind and weather. Adjust the sails and keep moving forward!