
Remembering a Relative on Pearl Harbor Day

On this day, eighty years ago, The United States entered World War II when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. So today, I want to remember Pearl Harbor and a relative who perished in the attack; Fred Hunter Boyer.

Honestly, three days ago, I didn’t know he existed. As I child, I wondered if we would have had relatives who fought in World War II. My grandfathers weren’t drafted but stayed on the homefront. So it seemed that came to a dead-end fairly quickly.

However, I had not looked into possible cousins. I subscribe to I received an email on Sunday that announced the discovery. I had a second cousin, once removed that perished on the USS West Virginia. He was twenty-two.

Relative Died at Pearl Harbor
Email announcement from

I wonder what his parents went through? Did his community rally around them? We had a common cause and hostile enemies in Europe and Asia. It’s hard to imagine what the mood of the country was in light of today’s challenges.

Fred Boyer Obituary
Fred Boyer Obituary

Today, I am thankful for the men and women that paid the ultimate sacrifice for my freedom. And I am especially thankful for a cousin and his family that paid a great price on that day that would live in infamy.

morning people motivation

Good Morning!… Or Is It?

The other day, I had a busy morning ahead of me. Then again, most mornings are busy! A coworker came into my office and I said, “Good morning!”

The coworker isn’t always the most chipper guy. He replied with a dour, “Is it?”

I smiled and thought of the reasons why it was a good morning. So I replied with, “Yes!” That didn’t convince him. And it’s okay. I have come to the conclusion how we start our day sets the tone for the rest of the day. A quote by Marcus Aurelius drove this home to me.

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.

Marcus Aurelius Via

It is too easy to take for granted that each morning belongs to us. It does not! We are not entitled to one more day on this earth any more than we are entitled to a comfortable, trouble-free life. Each day is a gift. Each breath, thought and loving gesture is a present to enjoy.

Creatives and Mornings

Creative employees can be notorious for making it clear they are not morning people. They shuffle in with a sour look on their face and implore everyone not to talk to them until at least 10:00 AM. The classic battle between night owls and early birds plays out in most offices across the world.

However, I ask you to consider this: what would mornings look like if we began each one with gratitude? What if we consider how blessed we are that we have one more day?

Some days can be a challenge for that frame of thinking. As I write this, it is a rainy Monday. I know the day will begin for me with some hot deadlines and challenges. Yet, I am thankful for one more breath and a day to think, enjoy and love. Today is a good morning!

Christmas holiday

The second Sunday of Advent is About Peace

Peace is something all of us would like, yet is in short supply. We would like peace with others as well as inner peace. If people would just see things our way, then there would be peace in the world, right?

We like what the angels sang to the shepherds. It sounds like music to the ears when we hear:

“…on earth peace, good will toward men.”

Luke 2:14 (KJV) Via

When I’ve done personality tests, most of them show I lean towards being a peacemaker. I like to get people working together, especially if they aren’t used to doing so. But I’ve come to realize the phrase, peace at any cost, is no peace at all.

Yes, we all desire peace. True peace brings wholeness and reconciliation. A false peace that only appeases and doesn’t bring wholeness leaves everyone empty. It doesn’t last for long.

May you find peace, both within and with others this holiday season. May it be a true peace that brings wholeness, rest and reconcilation.


Great Things Through Patience and Forgiveness

The other day, I listened to a poscast on baseball great, Buster Posey. When it comes to sports, I’m a very casual observer. But his story on about great things through patience and forgiveness inspired me.

To many outside observers, it doesn’t make sense that a man at the height of his baseball career decides it is time to focus on family. He turned down millions of dollars in order to do so. And what is he choosing to do instead?

In his retirement speech, Posey mentioned that last year, he had to learn patience and forgiveness as he spent more time with his family. He and his wife have two sets of twins to care for. I find it admirable that he has chosen to take his role as a father seriously. It will take him much patience and forgiveness to live out his daily role as a father.

Sports and careers will come and go. But our investment in our families will last well after coworkers and fans forget us. It takes patience, forgiveness, and a healthy dose of humility to accept such a role. But Buster Posey appears to be a man that is willingly taking on such a role that will bring on greater things.


Thoughts on a Marriage

Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife.”

Franz Schubert via

On this day, thirty-three years ago, I was in an Ohio church, watching the most beautiful bride walk down the aisle. It was a warm, clear day for December and the church was decorated for Christmas. It was a fantastic start to our marriage.

Since then, we have gone through many challenges and experienced numerous blessings. Through it all, we have remained committed to each other. One of those challenges occurred in 2001 when I was laid off from a publishing company.

I was working a contract job as a graphic designer and we just celebrated our thirteenth anniversary. A coworker asked me what our secret was to a happy marriage. Without much thought, I blurted, “mutual submission.” I could tell that took her by surprise. She didn’t want to hear that. But twenty years later, I still hold it to be true.

Now some would say that isn’t a “biblical marriage.” They would tell me the scriptures say it is the wife should submit to the husband. After all, Ephesians 5:22–24 says that. And while I agree, I assert you can’t have Ephesians 5:22–24 without verses 25–33. That section instructs the husband is to do love with the greatest care. It requires both parties to a high level of love and respect.

Leadership in a marriage requires love, respect, care and consideration. It requires the kind of love Paul writes about in 1 Corinthians 13. That requires a submission that is counter-intuitive to any selfish, narcissistic perspective.

So yes, I still say today, a happy marriage requires each one to yield, acquiesce and be considerate of the other. All I can say is it has worked for me, and I am so glad it has!