relationship cartoons

Cartoon: She Loves Chocolates

Cartoon of someone throwing Valentine chocolates at a man

Cartoon of a man talking to another while a box of Valentine chocolates hurls towards them. The man says, “When she sees my Valentine gift to her, she’ll forget our fight. She can’t resist chocolate!”

I can’t recall this actually happening to me, though I probably deserved it more than once. I am thankful for my valentine of twenty-six years. I promise not to start a fight today, or in the near futureā€¦ if I can help it!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

children's ministry cartoons

Cartoon: Raise Your Hands

Cartoon of two boys in church

Cartoon of two boys at church. One has his hands up. The other says, “We don’t do that at this church. Someone is going to think you’re being robbed.”

I drew this cartoon for K! Magazine.

children cartoons

Cartoon: Quick Seasons

Cartoon of a boy in winter clothes and another dressed in summer clothes

Cartoon of two boys. One is dressed for winter, while the other is in summer clothes. One says, “The seasons changed? No one told me.”

I used to think it was cool going out in the winter air without a coat. The first time I caught walking pneumonia tempered my excitement in that arena. Now that I’m older, I find myself flailing my arms and speaking in a shrill voice to my children who want to go out in sub zero weather in shorts and flip flops. I guess the chickens have come home to roost.

At least they can’t say no one ever told them.


Cartoon: Pay attention!

Cartoon of a teacher with a father and son

Cartoon of a dad, boy and teacher. The teacher says, “Your son did great, Mr. Jones. On the other hand, YOU need to pay attention in family worship.”

I drew this cartoon for K! Magazine.

children's ministry cartoons

Cartoon: Fist Bump

Cartoon of a boy and a teacher with outstretched arms. The boy says, "I'm not a hugger, Mrs. Carmine. How about a meaningful fist bump?

Cartoon of a boy and a teacher with outstretched arms. The boy says, “I’m not a hugger, Mrs. Carmine. How about a meaningful fist bump?

With cold and flu season in full force, maybe this is good advice for everyone, not just the introverts!

I drew this cartoon for K! Magazine.