
Remembering a Friend

Yesterday, I received news from Facebook that a childhood pal passed away from COVID. So today, I am remembering a friend that was there for me even when I wasn’t such a great friend. If our lives were forever judged by our actions as teens, well heaven help all of us!

I was an awkward kid. He was there to invite me along to events like the Indiana State Fair. I tried to “be cool” when I got into graphic design and wanted to be with the “in crowd.” He didn’t care. When I came to my senses, he welcomed me back. He exhibited grace and generous friendship.

As I get older, this verse becomes all the more important to me:

So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.”

Psalm 90:12 (KJV)

We don’t know what the next day will bring. We sure don’t know if we will have a tomorrow. So what matters today is that we live in the moment, have integrity, and consider how we want to be remembered when that day comes. My pal was a guy who did just that. Rest In Peace, dear friend. I’ll see you on the other side.

motivation Purpose

The power of purpose

If the last few months have taught us anything, it is that life is precious and fragile. We are fragile! Someone can look healthy one day, and two weeks later, they could be gone due to a tiny virus. This life is temporary.

Purpose prods us on to excellence. If all we have to work for is temporary gain, it won’t motivate us very far. Belonging to a higher purpose will keep us going when we face difficulty.

We are more than the economy. We are more than short-term gains. I encourage you to find your purpose. Strive to belong to something that is greater and more permanent that will outlast all of us. Be a person of faith and watch what is left of your life become excellent.

Attitude Purpose

Stubbornly Determined 

Cartoon of a jogging coupleI’ve learned that anything that requires determination takes a little stubbornness. When facing a daunting task, you’ll be told:

  • it’s not worth it.
  • There are not enough resources.
  • You’re not enough.
  • Aren’t you afraid?
  • Nobody has ever done this before. What makes you think you can?
  • If you feel scared, maybe that’s a sign you should stop 

Stubbornness is good when used correctly.

  • Be stubborn in your goal, but flexible in how to get there.
  • Be stubborn in standing up for what’s right, but flexible in how you communicate your vision to different people. 
  • Be stubborn in plugging away at your goal, but flexible in giving yourself a break. Nobody can be on 24/7/365.

I used to think being stubborn was a bad quality. Now I know it’s required for any goal with bumps and obstacles along the way.

Attitude Purpose

Running in the rain makes you resilient… or crazy 

Nighttime photo of the Greenville, Ohio traffic circle.Just after I took this photo, the rain came down. I knew it was coming. The weather app warned me. But I was happy. I was hoping to make it to this point before the shower. Thankfully, the lightning didn’t show up until I was nearly done. By the time I finished I was drenched.

In the past, a dear family member or two would call me crazy for running in inclement weather. Friends usually say nothing but give me that look as if I had sniffed too much rubber cement in my early graphic design days.


His whole life flashed before his screen

Cartoon of a man staring at a computer screen

We make all sorts of decisions each day. Throughout the day, I’m tempted to spend my time in front of a screen. Whether it’s a television, computer screen or a mobile phone, it can get so easy to get lost in a glowing rectangle.

Sometimes, I can justify it because I am working. Other times,  I wonder where the time went. That glowing rectangle can sure hypnotize me!

Then I remember my time is so limited on this planet. My kids have grown. Did I spend too much time in front of a screen when I should have been in front of them?

Time is short. Teach me to number my days, that I may gain a heart of wisdom.  Our time is short. Make sure most of it isn’t in front of a glowing rectangle!