
Failure is Success if…

Failure is success if we learn from it

Malcom Forbes in

That is the whole key to success. Success isn’t about doing everything right the first time. If it is that easy for you, then you probably aren’t living up to your potential. After all, how do you know what your limits are if you’ve succeeded at everything you’ve set out to do?

The challenge is to learn from it. We humans can get stuck at doing the same foolish thing over and over again. Addictive behaviors, negative thinking patterns and unhealthy habits can make us believe we can never escape from failure.

It reminds me of the verse found in Proverbs 26:11. As a dog returns to his vomit… what a repulsive image! Yet when we don’t learn from our failures and repeat unhealthy behaviors, whe are like the dog and the fool who returns to his folly.

Let’s learn from our failures. They don’t have to hold us down. We can use them as a springboard to success.


The Opportunity of Change

This weekend, I made my way out into the snow. The roads were slick. So I wore ice cleats. The wind was stiff, so I wore a jacket. Cars and SUV’s were out, so I had a bright orange cap. The winter weather didn’t bother me. In fact, I enjoyed the change of pace.

It would have been easy to chuck it all. It looked frigid outside. The coffee was already brewing and I smelled breakfast. But I knew I would enjoy it more after I went out for a run. The scenery was beautiful, after all. It reminded me of a quote from a book I am reading.

Above all, effective executives treat change as an opportunity rather than a threat.

Peter Drucker in The Effective Executive, Page xviii

I could have decided what was outside was a threat or an opportunity. I am glad I took the opportunity and I got some great views out of the venture. the trees and bushes were covered in snow. By the afternoon, it was all off the branches.

Circumstances are changing all the time, like wet snow on a January morning. Do you see it as an opportunity or a threat? In order to be effective, choose to see the changing environment as an opportunity.


Are You in the Right Place for Encouragement?

This weekend, I’m with friends that have been with us through good and tough times. They were there for us when we struggled in a Southwest venture and when we came back to the Midwest.

It feels good to be among friends that listen and encourage. We all need those friends. And we need to be one of those friends.

My hope and prayer for you is that this blog is that type of encouragement. None of us have to look far to find worry and discouragement. In fact, it is more than happy to find us. I have no desire to add to the easily obtained commodity of doom and gloom.

Look for places that give you encouragement. Look for people that want to build up instead of tear down. Find books and media that are uplifting. It will strengthen you and give you the strength to keep going.

CHOG News church cartoons Newsletters

Working the Bugs Out

Let’s face it! If you start something new, there will always be some bugs to work out. No matter how well you plan, you can’t expect to make allowances for every conceivable obstacle.

  • Technology never quite works the way you expect
  • There will be some misunderstandings between the team
  • Get used to expecting the unexpected
  • Weather and other natural causes may strike without notice
  • You may not realize how many people are affected by the launch or know how they will react.
Cartoon of two men standing in water. One says, "We have some bugs to work out before we live stream the service."
Published in the January 2020 Church of God Newsletter

If you’re waiting for perfect circumstances, it will never launch. Even if you are able to plan for every possible obstacle, you’ll be disappointed because most of them will never come to be.

Expect a few bugs if you launch anything new. Be fine with it. It’s part of the process. Success comes from addressing the bugs and working them out. Flawless launches may mean you set your goal too low.

I drew this cartoon for the January, 2020 Church of God Newsletter.


Quality vs. Quantity

“The problem is rather that the important and relevant outside events are often qualitative and not capable of quantification.”

Peter Drucker in “The Effective Executive”

Peter Drucker’s quote got me thinking. Outside events happen all the time. We hear about a customer that needs our service done a certain way. It may be inconvenient for us, so we ignore it. But then another customer has a similar request.

It may be some quality information. It could positively change the way we do business. But is it quantitative? Could we survey all current and potential customers to get a reliable survey that would confirm what we’re seeing?

Perception versus fact

We can perceive that certain information is valuable even though it isn’t a fact. A customer has a suggestion that we perceive could change the way we do business. Yet, there is no way to know if all current and future customers feel the same way. Do we pursue it anyway? It takes some intuition and perception to know.

We have to get comfortable with making decisions partly based on intuition if we’re doing to move forward. There are just some things we cannot quantify. And that’s the part of business and life that is an adventure, isn’t it?