"365 Days: Drawing Challenge" Adobe Illustrator children cartoons Warner Press

Illustration Friday: Unfold

These boys are enjoying a couple of marshmallows around a campfire. Will there be scary stories? Will a coyote or owl disrupt their outing? Who knows what will unfold next?

Two boys roast marshmallows around a campfire. Will there be stories? Loud critters? Who  knows what will unfold next?

This was part of a clip art assignment for Warner Press. I drew this back in 2009 to test an online clip-art service.

Over the years, I drew and submitted several assignments for an Illustration Friday competition. Too bad the competition appears to be a thing of the past. You just never know what will unfold next.


The best way to cheer yourself up…

The best way to cheer yourself up is to try and cheer somebody else up.”

Mark Twain

We can get so inward-focused, can’t we? If we’re not feeling right, if we get caught up in the world’s drama, we can get find ourselves in a downward spiral of doom and gloom. How do we get out of a deep funk? Cheer someone else up!

CHOG News church cartoons Newsletters

Why are Church Refrigerators so Yucky?

A few months ago, my wife asked me to check for an item in the church refrigerator. It was a harrowing experience. Just why are church refrigerators so yucky, anyway?

Cartoon of a woman with a mayonnaise jar. She says, "I took an inventory. The church fridge consists of only seven jars of expired mayonnaise."

When it comes to refrigerators and churches, it can be a mixed back. Frequently, you’ll hear stories of gross church refrigerators. Let’s face it; if no one is in charge of the church kitchen, some interesting artifacts will show up. It can be scary!

But fear not! As usual, someone on the Internet has advice on how to stock a church kitchen. The bottom line is when there is a budget, and someone is in charge, it is less likely the church refrigerator won’t be filled with only expired condiments.

I drew this cartoon for the November 2022 CHOGNews.

Christianity Encouragement motivation

Why Renewal is Always Possible

A few weeks ago, I got to write an article about a church that is embracing a new name and renewed mission. It is a great example of why renewal is always possible.

I love writing about these articles because it shows that it is never too early for a restart. Here’s another great example from last year. In each case, because someone had hope, a vision, and the courage to begin again, good things began to happen.

new tree grow up on stump-why renewal is always possible.
Photo by Lucas Pezeta on
church cartoons

Worship Slides Pressure Cartoon

There is a lot of pressure when you have the responsibility for running the presentation during a church service. And it doesn’t help when the worship leader goes with the Spirit. Such an experience inspired me to write and draw this worship slides pressure cartoon.

Worship Slides Pressure Cartoon: Man says, "I can't run the worship slides anymore. It's too much pressure!"

I have been on both sides of the screen. There have been times when I am in the congregation and I have been distracted by the erratic timing of the slides. I have wondered, “What in the world is the operator thinking? Is this even the same song?”